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The Best Crabgrass Killers in the Market

You’ve noticed an unattractive weedy-looking grass taking over your yard lately. The bad news is that you probably have crabgrass, which is a fast-growing invasive weed that will spread like wildfire through your yard if you don’t do something about it. The good news is that there are several options for nipping this problem in the bud.

By the time you get done reading this article, you’ll be able to find the best crabgrass killer to get your yard back under control.

1. Drive XLR8 Crabgrass Killer

Drive XLR8 is a proprietary, water-based formula that offers unmatched post-emergent crabgrass control in residential and commercial areas. This 64oz. bottle can effectively treat an acre of infested land in the quickest, most efficient manner.

You can get this Product from HERE.

2. Tenacity Turf Herbicide - 8 ounces

Tenacity Turf Herbicide does wonders to curb crabgrass and many other dicot and monocot species. Its proprietary ingredient, called mesotrione, makes it useful as both a pre-emergence and post-emergence herbicide. Once applied, you can see results within a couple of weeks.

You can get this Product from HERE.

3. Ornamec Grass Herbicide Quart

Ornamec Over-The-Top appears to be a bit on the expensive side, but a small amount of concentrate goes a long way. It is safe to use around most shrubs, trees and ground covers, though you should read the label carefully to ensure it won't damage your particular plants.

You can get this Product from HERE.

4. Espoma Organic Weed Preventer

If harsh chemicals scare you, Espoma Organic Preventer is an ideal natural alternative. It not only does a great job of killing weeds, but nourishes your lawn with essential nutrients for healthy growth. Also, your kids can play safely on the lawn immediately after use.

You can get this Product from HERE.

5. Bayer Advanced Crabgrass Killer Concentrate

Bayer Advanced All-in-One can bring back your garden's natural beauty as long as you have a little patience. It is best to apply when weeds are actively growing, but multiple treatments are most likely necessary for complete elimination.

You can get this Product from HERE.

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