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How to revive droopy hydrangeas

Hydrangeas are the quintessential romantic summer bloom!!! Their little clusters of flowerets are gorgeous. A big bouquet of them cut and arranged on a table is pure Bliss! We especially love the antique varieties. They make showy flowers in a classic arrangement. Yes, hydrangeas are one of the best-loved flowers around! If you want volume in your arrangement, Hydrangea can do the trick.

However, these dramatic beauties can be a little bit of a diva! Have you ever bought a bouquet and regretted adding hydrangeas to the composition? They often wilt as soon as they are cut and brought into the house. And there is nothing pretty about droopy hydrangeas!

Here’s a few ways to guarantee full, long lasting cut hydrangeas! Yes, boiling water! Hydrangeas produce a “sap” that clogs their stems and blocks water from traveling up it to those gorgeous blooms. The boiling water helps to do away with the sap. Bringing floppy hydrangeas back from the brink doesn't take any specialized equipment -- a knife, bucket, tub or other heat-safe container that can hold the hydrangeas upright, and something to boil water in are all that you'll need for the task. While water is coming to a boil in a kettle or pan, clean your sink and fill it with a few inches of lukewarm water.

Having a clean vase with fresh water ready to hold the revived hydrangeas, or merely replacing the water previously in an arrangement that includes other flowers is helpful as well. You can add floral preservative to the fresh water if you have some on hand. Put boiling water into a cup. Dip each stem into the boiling water for 30 seconds and immediately put them into a vase or container filled with room temperature water

Replacing the water in the vase or containers that hold hydrangeas will keep them fresher longer! Also give hydrangeas a fresh cut and dip them in boiling water before putting them in the fresh water!

If hydrangea blooms start to prematurely wilt you can totally submerge them in a “bath” of water for about 45 minutes. Then recut and place the stems into boiling water and then back into a vase of fresh water. They should revive in a couple of hours and live another day or two.

RECUT THEIR STEMS: Hydrangeas require a lot of water and can suck a vase dry before you notice; water level should be your first check when blossoms wilt. Aside from that, there are several common reasons flowers don't get enough water: the channel that takes water up through the stem is blocked by an air bubble, the end of the woody stem is crushed, leaves remaining on the stem siphon off moisture from the flower or the flower was immature when cut. Hydrangeas have a standard vase life six to 10 days. You may be able to revive hydrangeas that wilt before that time.

Recutting the stems about an inch higher than the previous cut can sometime cure issues with air bubbles and crushed stems. Use a sharp knife and cut the stems under the water in the sink. Cut carefully at a 45-degree angle and avoid crushing the stems.

Monitor the water level in the vase as the blooms rehydrate so you can refill it as necessary. It can take several hours for hydrangeas to bounce back. Placing them in a sunny room can speed the process.

Go ahead, treat yourself and don't fear the hydrangea. She may be temperamental but she can prove to be a sweetheart when loved the right way!

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