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5 Plants to regrow from kitchen scraps #vegetable_gardening

1. Onions – Green and Regular – For green onions cut the last inch off of each onion which will give you the bulb and roots. Put them in a container with a small amount of water in it so the roots are wet. Place your container near a sunny window sill. Within 3-5 days you will begin to see the onion start to grow. Cut off what you need and leave the roots in the water so you can continue to harvest your kitchen scraps. Change your water about every 5 days to keep the plant healthy.

2. Potatoes – Red, Regular and Sweet – Once your potatoes start sprouting, cut them into 2-inch pieces making sure each piece has a couple of eyes on them. Lay them out for 2-3 days so they can dry out and then plant them about 8 inches in composted soil with the eyes of the potato facing up. Water them and soon you will be harvesting your own potatoes.

3. Garlic – You can regrow garlic from just a leftover clove or two. Plant them in a sunny spot in the soil with the root-end down. Once the garlic bulb has produced shoots, trim them off so the garlic will concentrate on the bulb. Once it’s ready to harvest, you can repeat the process with your new bulb to create an endless cycle of garlic!

4. Celery – Cut the base of the celery off and place it in a shallow bowl of water near a sunny window sill. In about a week you will have sprouts and will be able to transfer the celery to soil covering everything but the leaves. Wait for the stalks to grow back and then cut off what is needed. As long as you keep the root in the ground, the celery will keep growing.

5. Lettuce – Take the bottom heart of the lettuce and place it in a container with enough water to cover your roots – about 1/2 inch. Put the container in a sunny window sill and replace the water every couple days. In a few days you will have roots and new leaves appear.

 You can start eating them when enough leaves appear. Or after about a week you could move it to your garden making sure the leaves stay above the soil. It will continue to grow and within a few weeks it will sprout a whole new head of leaves.

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